Merry lives in Boulder Colorado and draws her inspiration largely from nature, social concerns and just expressing her rather voluminous creativity.
This piece is called "Slice of Life" and measures 15" high by 30" wide. Here's her comments on this piece: "Slice of Life" is a green machine pieced, quilted and appliqued. A zebra and giraffe are peeking through the slices of green, 2 dragonflies with machine laced wings take stage on the diagonals while fish and parrots are watching. Hand embellished with glass and stone beads. Free-motion stitching accentuates the details. Mostly cotton with a touch of silk and linen.

You can get a sense of this work in the detail photograph.
Merry's work shows exuberance. You can see lots of her other work on her website, here.
You can also check out her blog and see where she has been diligent in posting. Her goal is to post a piece of artwork a day....I'm afraid I haven't been as faithful as she has so far.
All three of her pieces are for sale...but you have to check back here tomorrow and see my favorite piece.

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