Chris Landis is a professional long-arm quilter, who does art quilts along with traditional quilts and gardens. Chris and I belong to several groups together and have been exchanging garden plants.
This Thursday, after our weekly quilting group, I went over to get some excess water hyacinth from her for my pond.
This HUGE swallowtail was visiting her garden. These are large lantans and a full sized petunia to give you some scale.
Chris has a large vegetable garden as well. Her nephew lives with her and does a lot of the gardening in exchange.
When we were in her vegetable garden, we commented on the fact that there were few things ready to pick.
The reason there were few things ready is that her nephew had alread picked! Chris had brought a bag of cucumbers to the group, and when we went into her kitchen...this is what we found!
There were also piles of fresh green beans, salsa, jalapeno, green, and hungarian sweet peppers.
I took a couple and will make salsa as well as Greek salad tonight. YUM!
I'm jealous as my tomatoes aren't coming in yet.
The veggies look yummy! Great butterfly picture.
Thanks Judy! I appreciate it.
OHHH! Fellow Quilter Debra Bentley who participates in butterfly counts has identified the butterfly as being the Giant Swallowtail. There were things about it which bothered me as the body color, size, and movement were very unlike the swallowtails I have in my garden!
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