If I had to characterize Joan's work, I would say that she usually has an element of playfulness in her pieces....a clarity and simplicity which is fresh and fun. Something which was brought home today when I saw her felted pieces and small quilts she brought to our group.
Joan made this piece out of re-purposed materials. The background fabric was given to her, something which was being discarded. The flowers and basket, however are just too wild for words. The whole image is made from bras which Joan was going to discard.

The woven part of the basket is made from the straps. Even the top and sides of the basket are made from straps and decorative parts.
Just great fun...and keeping things out of the landfill. Way to go Joan!

Very clever!
I love this!!! I'm so glad you posted it. I just love that its made from bra parts! Way to go Joan! Love her sense of humor!
Now if this isn't inspiration, nothing is! I love it, this is wonderful! New ideas are filling my head! Thanks!
From a distance it looks like applique; very clever!
P.S. My authentication word is "Bras". HA!
Joan IS very clever and a very good technician as well as having an innate design sense. So many of these re-purposed items have an awkward look, but I think Joan's doesn't. Thanks so much for saying such nice things about her work...it IS deserved and I'll make sure she keeps on coming back to check the comments out. :)
Susan Schaller said... Your piece is so clever and every time I see it inspires me more !
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