Both of them submitted works for consideration. Fran had her Forest Fantasy accepted, but two other of her pieces did not make it in.

This caused Chris to do some real head scratching in order to figure out how to do this. She also struggled over what color to make the binding. My instinct was to knife edge or face them so there wouldn't be the bar between them, but your eye would go across. Chris wanted to use the darker color (we were trying to figure out then whether to use black or a dark brown) in order to frame it and play up the fact that there was an edge there. Personal preference.
Here you can see the Cardinal she did in this detail shot. His beak is really wonderful and I love the work she did on the branches. The background was snippets of fabrics which were then trapped under tulle in order to make a forest floor. Her work is quite innovative. It's hard to believe that Chris has only been a member of the Miami Valley Art Quilt Network for just a year.
Chris lives in New Lebanon, Ohio and does professional long arm quilting. She has been quilting for quite a while and does a lot of her own patterns, but also enjoys doing traditional pieces.

She likes to do applique and much of her work is done by hand. This particular piece is called Resting Parrot. It also was submitted but not chosen.
This last one Fran did especially for the Aullwood show, but it wasn't accepted either...perhaps there were too many crows, blackbirds and ravens submitted! I find this to be a humorous piece. It's called Corn Watchers.
All three of these pieces have merit. Perhaps when you look at them you might think they should have gotten in with the rest of the pieces I have shown you.

Selecting pieces is always subjective. The judges (or in this case judge) have criteria that they are looking for. Sometimes it is just down to personal choice.
Therefore, if you don't make it into one show, try again someplace else. Sometimes you won't make it in one year but you'll try the same piece another year and get in.
All work, however, should be of the highest quality when you enter shows. To me, hanging straight, whether an art quilt or not, should be important, unless, of course, in the case of the art quilt is isn't MEANT to hang straight.
Give yourself plenty of time to get it done. Don't rush yourself. Make sure it fits the theme as well as the criteria (in other words, don't ignore the rules).
Now, if only I could pay attention to my own advice!
I love the cardinal quilt...especially the way the birch branches cross from one panel to the other...that's amazing!
Sometimes rejection gives an opportunity to see a piece anew. I submitted 2 pieces and only one was accepted. When I went back and looked at the photo of the one that wasn't accepted, the bird faded into the background too much. I didn't notice while I was working on it because I was too close to the artwork. I made some changes to make the bird stand out more and I think it's a big improvement.
Absolutely! I also find it amusing that my digital camera has become one of my primary quilting tools. I find that not only is it important for taking shots of things I might want to make into quilts, but in laying out quilts....taking shots and evaluating them instantly makes it a perfect design tool to see things which can be improved.
On an older Blog post, Ruth Powers shared her Bluebird quilt which was submitted but didn't make it in. Here it is. Pretty cool, and she's published patterns for it as well.
You make a good point. I hadn't considered analyzing my work with my camera because I usually only take a picture when I think a piece is finished. Instead, I should probably take a picture of a piece with a question in mind: is the piece done?
Lisa, I've been reading up on some of your posts and suddenly realised why I dont comment on all of them.... those quilts are all so beautiful that I'm running out of words to describe my reactions to what I'm seeing through your photos. Plus, they make me feel so inadaquate!
But I'm very proud that I'm friends with such a talented and creative quilter :)
Aren't they though, Sunita? Unfortunately, at present, very few on my blog are mine...Hopefully that will change as soon as I can get some of these pieces done! I quilt in heady company. :)
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