Verena now lives in Washington, DC. I like the one "diving" swan at the top of her quilt which is swooping down into the body of the quilt.

Her piece is made of hand-dyed cotton embellished with thread painting and is machine pieced and quilted.
Her piece is meant to be symbolic of the air currents which allowed broad winged raptors to stay aloft and conserve energy. Here in my back yard you often see Coopers, red-tailed and broad-winged hawks along with Turkey vultures riding along. If I'm lucky, I'll see an American kestrel.

She also did this one entitled Flamingo Rickrack because it reminded her of the rickrack her mother used to sew on her garments.
Constance had one other quilt in the Aullwood show which she called Fabulous Flamingos which was also made with commercial fabrics. Unfortunately, I failed to get a photo of that one.
Haste certainly does make waste!
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