
rocket tracking


Sunday, January 23, 2011


I purchased Judi Warren Blaydon's collage+cloth+quilt: create innovative quilts form photo inspirations (C&T Publishing, 2010. 95 pages. $27.95. ISBN: 978-1-57120-8507) the other day. At first, I was supremely underwhelmed. I felt that the book could have been largely handled as an article in a magazine.

Blaydon explores the use of photomontage in quiltmaking. In other words, slicing and dicing photos and fabrics to make quilts. I took another look at the volume however, and decided that it couldn't really be handled in a magazine article. I was still disappointed though that it didn't cover other methods of using photographs in quilts, even as collages.

Blaydon covers how to choose photographs and how she uses elements from several photographs to combine making a new image. She doesn't hit hard on the elements of design, but then she's not writing a design book but teaching people how to use photomontage in the world of quilts. She gives some handy tips on how to lay them out, seaming, using a window to isolate elements and other tricks.

She has copious examples of work from her students. Some of them are quite successful. Others are a bit ho-hum, but that's OK. If you're interested in this type of work, it is worth a look. Amazon has the click-on opportunity to look at several pages plus the table of contents. It is presently available new from about $20; and used from $14.98. Take a look
here and explore.

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