Today, Chris, and two other of my quilty friends, Lyn Mosher and Marie Wells came along with. We worked in the garden, moving, dividing, deadheading and weeding...just in the front, but we got a lot done.
(above: Cercis canadiensis "Forest Pansy" --a dark leaved form of the Eastern redbud which does really well here....I found this at the grocery store for $25 for a 5' tree. :) out went the budleia, in went the tree.)
I admit freely that I am a sucker for plants....and when they are in those oh-so-cute little pots, I have a hard time remembering that 3 years later, they will be big....can't I just slip in one more???

I'm looking now and having to decide what needs to come out, what needs to find a home in someone elses garden and just how to simplify. Not easy for a plant addict like me.
I have to make this easier to take care of as I have what is probably going to be a very hard fight against cancer once again....and I need to NOT be so far behind. Although I don't like to use chemicals, I am going to use Preen, a synthetic version of corn gluten which inhibits germination of weeds and I am going to order another 5 yards of mulch...I'm a little hesitant on that one as after three days of heavy work, my pelvis is a little sore. I'm not sure if it is a.) old damage from the fracture I had in Sept. b.) muscular c.) evidence of the new cancer lesions. (A section of my west border in the back yard. Mixed shrubs, evergreens, small understory trees which are presently babies and many many perennials.)
At present..I'm just not going to worry about it, just try to get things under control. I think I'm going to have a very big compost heap this year. Aren't my quilty friends just the best?
Hi Lisa!
I hope that you are feeling well...I saw your post on the Sisters In Cloth blog and thought I'd pop over to say hello. I've added you to my bloglines now, so hopefully I can see what you are up to regularly. And maybe I'll start blogging again sometime soon and you can pop by to see whats up with me!
Welcome! I had a bad time last night and today I just realized that I can't dig any more with my right leg (I'm left handed if you remember) so this isn't so good.
Glad to see you around. Give my best to the guys, including your mom!
Not sure I like the sound of how you are feeling... please take the BEST care of you... your garden will be there, always needing tending.
Please post to let us know...
Lol...Carole, I'm not liking how I'm feeling! As an update which I spoke about on my other blog, I've been diagnosed with more mets to the sternum, ribs, shoulder, and the pelvis. I can't remember if he said vertebrae or not because frankly, I zoned out.
I wasn't too worried because I didn't have any pain.
Last night when I went to bed after doing the digging, I experienced extreme pain in hip, along the acetabelum which is what I fractured. At the time, he wasn't sure if it was cancer or not, but after this P.E.T. scan it showed significant growth, so in all likelihood, it too is cancer.
I could stretch and feel the head of the femur pop back into the socket on the pelvis....not too good a sign I don't think.
This morning, I went out bound and determined to see if I could dig with my opposite foot as the dominant foot for digging is the one where the pelvis is damaged. I found that although I am pretty much ambidextrous in a lot of things, digging isn't one of them. It was like a clown in very big shoes trying to dig with the opposite foot. So...now I really do have to concentrate on making the garden easier.
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