
rocket tracking


Saturday, May 8, 2010


A busy week. Late night hours preparing for quilt show....with both quilts and books for sale. No time spent in the garden. Little time spent at home. Not much sleep.

Centauria montana "Amethyst in snow" is blooming madly and surely will need to be deadheaded.

Going back to Bronson, Michigan where the verdant spring and the bucolic nature of the agrarian area makes me thirst to go back and visit some more.

Close together in every township, there stood at least one clapboard church. Not wealthy enough for brick. To my childhood mind "normal sized." Returning, I realize how small they really were....congregations for maybe as many as 10 families whose connection to God was as strong as their connection to the land. Now, failing....decaying... soon to be nothing but beautiful cut stone foundations as straight and clean as when they were laid, but with no superstructure.

Rolling hills of gentle green.


Vivien Zepf said...

Glorious pictures. Hope your trip went well and you're feeling rested after all the busy-ness.

Happy Mother's Day, Lisa!

Unknown said...

Wow. I posted a response earlier today, but it's not here! Thanks, Vivien, for the comment. All of the landscape pictures were taken with my DSLR as "drive bys." Carlos was driving and didn't stop, so they really turned out fairly well considering.

I'm getting rested...but I find that several nights with 5 hours of sleep are not made up in one 8 hour sleeping period. Boy, I remember the days of all-nighters, but I sure as heck can't do them now!

Happy Mother's day to you too!

Sunita Mohan said...

Wow! That's such beautiful countryside. I think that if I ever make the long trip across the various oceans to tour the US, it would be for jus such places.