
rocket tracking


Friday, February 24, 2012

Decay--completion of concept developed 2 years ago

Back in October, 2010, I went on a quilting retreat in Palestine, Ohio.  Next door to the retreat center (in an old school which had been rehabed) was a large 19th century barn.  Attached to the barn was a  house which probably dated to about 1860.  It had been moved to the barn to serve as its office, presumably because another, more stylish and modern house had been built.

The image intrigued me.  The structure was covered with grape vines, domestic ones as they had white grapes on them rather than the regular fox grapes (what we always called them in Michigan....but perhaps they are more properly called scuppernong as they were in Virginia) which, along with various tree seedlings, were suceeding in pulling down the building.

Last year, I painted the muslin to make an interpretation of it...and this is what I came up with.

I intended to really heavily thread paint it, something I had never done before.

I must say, I made some mistakes, but I think it turned out fairly well....
Here's the detail so you can see the quilting in it.  It's fairly small, only 22 1/2" x 21" (I'm too lazy to go back and check my book).

I thought this piece was better than the Texture study I showed you yesterday....but this piece did not make it in.

The turquoise in the picture is corrugated fiberglass which covered the windows and doors of the house.

Which do you think is better? This piece or the one I showed you yesterday (the Textures, not the goofy Unconventional Materials Challenge piece).

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