Not too long ago, I finished this quilt except for the binding. I just wasn't sure how I was going to bind it. In addition, I noticed that my Bernina had skipped some stitches, even though I had been using the BSR (Bernina Stitch Regulator). I took it, and the machine to the Bernina dealership to have them look at it. The last time I remember seeing this quilt was when I put it back in the car after showing the dealer how the quilting was irregular.
I can't remember this quilt after that point, although I looked in most of the usual places. It is quite possible that I put it "someplace I will be sure to remember but will keep the cats off it until I can get back to it." Hopefully, I will remember that place soon. But, if I can't find it in my major sewing room cleansing, then at least I can always show it on Maria Elkin's
"Lost Quilt Come Home" website.
Some of you may be familiar with Maria's fantastic work which has won awards at the AQS show in Paducah, or perhaps you've seen her on Quilting Arts, or maybe you have purchased her
DVD. If you're really lucky, you've taken a class with her. If you're not familiar with her work, then you need to take a look at her
website. You can also take a look at several of her pieces on here on my blog. In addition, she was featured on Dawn's
Subversive Stitchers: Women armed with Needles wherein she tells the story of being taped for the session on Quilting Arts TV.
In 1999, a shipping company lost one of Maria's quilts. At that time, there was nothing to help quilters who had lost quilts to get the word out. Maria, not being one to sit around and let others do the work, started the website
"Lost Quilts Come Home." Since then, she has re-designed the website.
The website is more than just a place to post lost (and found) quilts, she also gives tips on signing quilts, documenting them and other pertinent information that quilters should know whether or not they have lost or found a quilt. She graciously answered questions for me to share with you here.
LBQ: Since you started, how many quilts have been recovered?
ME: 83 quilts have been recovered. You can see the recovered quilts by clicking on the "Recovered" link under the "Categories" header in the right hand column.
LBQ: What is the most common way quilts become "lost"?
Maria E: The top ways quilts become lost are 1) being left in a car that is broken into or stolen; 2) lost by a shipping company; and 3) lost or stolen from a quilt show or quilt store.
LBQ. What is the single most important aspect of finding a quilt?
Maria E: I would say that letting people know your quilt is missing is the most important thing to do. I think it is also important to label your quilt with your name and contact information, and also having a photograph of your quilt.
LBQ: I notice quite often that people post quilts that they have found at Good Will Stores, Salvation Army etc. and are trying to connect them with the families. What do you think about that? What kind of outcomes are there? (I would think that some of these quilts were simply not wanted by the owners anymore....)
Maria E.: I'm happy to post any quilt. There are many instances where the owner accidentally sent their quilt to a thrift store (for instance, two bags get mixed up or a well-meaning family member was trying to help).
LBQ: I am sure that you incur costs in maintaining this site, do you accept donations or do you have other means of providing for it?
Maria E.: Since 1999 I have paid all costs for the site. However, previously I was working a full-time job with a good salary at the time. Now I am a full-time freelance artist, so I have been accepting PayPal donations. There is a link towards the bottom of the right hand column.
LBQ: How many people work on this with you?
Maria E.: No one else. Just me.
LBQ: Are you getting International submissions?
Maria E.: Yes, I get a significant number of international postings. You can see postings by country in the right hand column under the header "By Location." Click on the down arrow and then scroll upwards.
LBQ: What else would you like to communicate with "the world ". :)
Maria E.: While it would be wonderful if each of these quilts could be found, I think this website will have served its purpose if it motivates quilters to protect their own quilts before they become missing. Simple steps can be taken like labeling quilts, photographing, getting appraisals, and shipping safely.
Thank you Maria, both for taking the time to share with us AND in making the "Lost Quilt Come Home" website available to us. Hopefully, you won't see my quilt on your website and that people will be able to find theirs.