
rocket tracking


Monday, May 18, 2009

Don't Dawdle Amaryllis!

Sunita is always posting wonderful photos of her exotic plants....Well, here are a couple of mine. Last year, I bought about a dozen Red Lion Amaryllis bulbs in January for 25 cents each from a local nursery which had a bunch of unsold ones from Christmas.

That year, I potted a bunch of them up and enjoyed them. I like to have Amaryllis blooming after Christmas because with all the decorations at Christmas time, I feel like the beauty of the bulbs are lost.

After they bloom, I cut off the flowers and hold them until I can plant them outside in the garden. I usually plant them in partial shade. I leave them there all summer, until the end of the season, just before frost. I dig them, and remove all soil from them, put them in a paper bag and then put them in the basement. After 3 months, I pot them up and start the process all over again.

This year, I dawdled. Well, I actually forgot to pot them up until March. So, when I found the bag, I went right to it. Look at the lovely blooms they have. The bulbs, with proper feeding, will grow and get larger and I usually don't lose them. Wonderful plants!


Sunita Mohan said...

Absolutely stunning, Lisa! For some reason Amaryllis dont grow too well for me :(

Unknown said...

Thanks Sunita! Maybe it's just too hot where you are. They do need a dormant period....